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Filtering Article Recommendations
Filtering Article Recommendations

Do you want to filter your recommendations by year, citation count, or Open Access content?

Updated over 8 months ago

Citation Count Filtering

This document describes what the feature "Citation Count" is and how it works. The number of times a paper has been cited is often used as an indicator of its quality. Sometimes, you may prioritize reading seminal papers that are highly cited. At other times, you might be interested in exploring lesser-known papers with few or even no citations. In both scenarios, the "Citation Count" feature can be helpful. This feature is located under the "Filters" section in the Keenious app.

The range you choose for the citation count will be reflected in the results list. For example, if you enter a minimum of 1000, the results list will only contain publications that have been cited 1000 times or more.

Keep in mind that the results list will still be ordered based on relevancy to your input text:

As you can see, the articles in the results list above all meet the filtering criteria (a minimum of 1000 citations). However, the most highly cited articles do not appear at the top of the list because they are not considered the most relevant to the input document.

Publication Year Filtering

It is common that information seekers would like to retrieve only content from a certain period of time. Maybe your supervisor has told you to only consider the most up-to-date publications in the field?

That is where Year Filtering comes in handy. The feature is located under Filters.

The results list will now only include research published between 2019 and 2023 - but still be sorted based on relevance to your text.

Open Access Filtering

If you want to support those publishing open access (OA) research, or you just don't have access to many paid databases, filtering by OA can help!

The results list will now only include research published with an Open Access marker, however be aware that not all OA is equal! Some research publish with Open Access still has restrictions.

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