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Cross Language Search

Find research written in a different language to your own!

Updated over a week ago

Keenious is an advanced academic research article exploration tool that provides relevant research articles based on the content of your document. We understand that researchers and academics often write and read documents in a variety of languages, and that is why we have introduced the cross-language search feature. This feature enables users to receive results for English research literature even when their document is in a different language.

How Cross-Language Search Works

The cross-language search feature is designed to make the process of receiving relevant research articles as seamless as possible. When you upload your document to Keenious, our system will automatically detect the language used in the document. If the language is not English, the text will be translated into English within our system. The translated text will then be used as the input for our engine, allowing you to receive results for English research literature regardless of the language used in your document.

Quick Tip! - If you want to input non-English text and see results in the same language, uncheck the 'Cross Language' option in the tool.

Language Support

We understand that different languages are used around the world, and that is why we have chosen to use Microsoft Azure's Translator Service to translate the text. Microsoft Azure's Translator Service supports a wide range of languages, so you can be sure that we can handle most language needs. To see if your language is supported, for an up-to-date list of supported languages, please visit this page.

Translation Limit

To help maintain the sustainability of our service, we have established a limit of 20,000 characters (3,000-5,000 words) for text translations. While this limit may affect the quality of results for longer documents, it allows us to provide a consistent and reliable service to all of our users. If you have a document of considerable longer length than this limit, we recommend that you use our Text Highlighting feature by highlighting the parts of the longer document that are relevant to you.


Keenious is committed to providing the best research article exploration service possible. Our cross-language search feature makes it possible for researchers and academics to receive relevant results even when their document is written in a language other than English. Whether you are working on a research paper, a thesis, or any other academic project, Keenious is here to help you find the relevant research articles you need to succeed.

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